November 23, 2004 12:54 PM
Perlis UiTM To Offer Marine Tech Degree Programme
KANGAR, Nov 23 (Bernama) -- The Perlis branch of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) will offer a degree programme in deepsea fishing marine technology next year, its Director Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Redzuan Abd Rahman said Tuesday.He said the programme would complement the 24 disciplines covered by the university under six degree and 18 diploma courses.
He said the Perlis UiTM also expected a higher students' intake to 10,000 in 2010 compared to the existing 6,000.
To cope with the higher enrolment, the number of lecturers would be increased to 500 from the present 300, he told BERNAMA.
Dr Ahmad Redzuan also said the institution was in the midst of setting up the Agriculture Technology Research and Management Institute, costing RM46 million, which would be the most modern centre of its kind in the region.
On an issue close to the hearts of the Perlis people, he said a group of science lecturers had devised a method to improve the quality of the popular "harumanis" mango.
UiTM Perlis Perkenal Pengajian Teknologi Marin Tahun Depan
KANGAR, 23 Nov (Bernama) -- Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Perlis akan memperkenalkan pengajian Teknologi Marin Tangkapan Ikan Laut Dalam tahun depan sebagai tambahan kepada 24 bidang pengajian sedia ada.
Pengarah kampus itu, Prof Madya Dr Ahmad Redzuan Abdul Rahman berkata, bidang pengajian peringkat ijazah itu akan membuka peluang kepada pelajar yang berminat terhadap bidang marin.
Ketika ditemui Bernama di sini hari ini, beliau berkata, institusi itu kini menawarkan enam bidang pengajian peringkat ijazah dan 18 bidang pengajian peringkat diploma.
Katanya UiTM Perlis yang genap berusia 30 tahun pada tahun ini terletak di kawasan seluas 240 hektar juga telah mendapat tambahan kawasan seluas 50.4 hektar untuk pembinaan Institut Pengurusan dan Penyelidikan Teknologi Pertanian.
Ahmad Redzuan berkata pembinaan institut bernilai RM46 juta itu kini di peringkat menyediakan reka bentuk dan bakal menjadi antara pusat penyelidikan pertanian termoden di rantau ini.
Dalam perkembangan lain, beliau memberitahu, sekumpulan pensyarah pengajian sains di institusi itu sedang menjalankan kajian daya tahan mempelam "harumanis".

Wednesday November 24, 2004
KANGAR: The Perlis branch of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) will offer a degree programme in deep-sea fishing marine technology next year.
Its director, Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Redzuan Abd Rahman, said the programme would complement the 24 disciplines covered by the university.
He said Perlis UiTM also expected a 10,000-strong student intake in 2010. The present intake is at 6,000.
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