Thursday, December 25, 2008
Part 5 Students Don't Want To Skip The Marathon!
Without any delay.. let us see the marathon begins..
>> Zamzila
>> Sohibul
>> Suzi
>> Hapizaini
>> Adib
>> Hashimah
>> Eddy
Congratulation to all of you..You've completed the marathon with a total of 39 students so far to grab the title..well done everybody..
That is all for this post..Catch more soon!
Final Year Students To Grab 1st Class Honour Degree?
Well guys..our beloved Part 6 sisters n brothers are in their best position to get 1st class degree..They are so tantalizing right? Yeah..hopefully they will realize their dreams and achieve what they want to achieve in their lives..
So brothers n sisters..keep it up as usual..we will always pray for your success now and forever..
Apart from that..let us see the dean's award marathon of our dearest brothers and sisters..this list is arranged according to the pointer gained..
- Kak Ayu
- Abang Yienz
- Abang Najwan
- Kak Naimah, Acap
- Kak Mah
By the way..Congratulation to all part 6 students..
So that is all for this post..catch more soon!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Part 4 Time Table Dec 08-July 09

Time Table ASB4Bw

[click image to enlarge]
please be ensure that the time table is correctly due to the official link and sources at ICReSS websites.
tq <(_ _)>
Thursday, December 18, 2008
This post is a very 'HAPPY-POST' as it may be defined..Today, 18 December 2008 has marked a new dimension to our programme..well..Now Puan Norsila can take a deep relief breath..have a nice vacation mdm..hehe..
As u can see by the title itself..I on behalf of PART 3 students would like to thank to our tremendous lecturers for being so helpful in guiding us to achieve what we supposed to achieve..and your strong determination..we've passed according to your will..
So this is the Dean's Award Marathon List! 26 students (matrix + diploma) from this part have just "voyaged" themselves successfully out from the so called biggest tsunami ever as we've to take 24 credit hours by this 3rd semester..huhu..indeed it was horrifying!!hehe..
Marathon begins..list is arranged in "mix" order..
- Akmal
- Fatin Nadhirah
- Nurul
- Fathiah
- Hanif
- Syakrani
- Imad
- Amal
- Fateh
- Billie
- Che Abdul Hakim
- Fatimah
- Aizi Zairi
- Hafizul
- Tengku
- Putra
- Ijan
- Amirul
- Ghanimah
- Jamal
- Sharwani
- Mimi Kamiza
- Atiqah
- Badariah
- Hamidah
- Asyikin
p/s: Im very sure Puan Norsila will get so tired of standing to handle the scroll during the Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik soon..hehe..madam..are you ready?
* for all offense..please be informed that this list is produced by higher authority..none of the admins or contributors can be alleged to have made it..the names or numbers stated here may be true or vice versa..but for sure that the higher authority won't deny the best of us right? tq for ur co-operation..
well guys..thats all for this post..catch more soon!
Friday, December 5, 2008
At Last! Dive Buddy Promises To Post Our Discover Scuba Diving Certificate!
Well..credits should be given to Mr. Bahaman for taking the initiative to open our programme's blog..Of course this blog is our main medium to spread out our stands and activities..We have had a great time with Dive Buddy during the DSD activities last months..It is our pleasure to meet all of you mama n kak two rocks! Some of us have planned to continue our Open Water next Mr. Baham..Get ready for us..We're watching you closely right now..hehe..
So..that's all for this..catch more soon..
Monday, December 1, 2008
New Equipment Facilities to Enrich Our Study
So in order to distinguish their business apart from others, they have set a new name for their company which is "The PerkinElmer Better". The word "better" describes how their product will bring more improvements in ones life's satisfaction as their products are leading in advancement of technology.
What I want to share with you guys, especially my fellow juniors, grab this opportunity to learn on how to use all of the facilities and take a good care of them for the sake of future batches. Why I say like this? Because you guys are very lucky to have these sort of technologies and the opportunity to use them optimally.
Lastly if you are interested in knowing further about this company or you want to find a practical training venue..maybe this following details are useful for of luck..
email :
tel: 03-79581111 (ext.25)
MISC focused on youth development
FOR MISC Bhd, the world's single largest owner-operator of liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers, the concept of corporate responsibility (CR) goes beyond philanthropy and public relations.
The shipping giant's CR programmes propel quantitative and qualitative long-term growth that benefits the group, shareholders as well as stakeholders.
Its CR programmes also support Malaysia's bid to become a prominent maritime nation.
Dealing with the complex and advanced LNG and other types of energy transportation, MISC has long anticipated the present shortage of skilled seafarers.
It has been working on and investing in various educational and training programmes for youths.
It is speculated the global shortfall in shipping manpower has doubled to 20,000 in the last two years.
Group corporate affairs general manager Fiona Clare Pereira told StarBiz that MISC CR-related programmes continued to focus on youth development this year.
“As Malaysia is envisioned to be a maritime nation, MISC is committed towards the provision of efficient human capital to support this vision, focusing on our very own Malaysian Maritime Academy (Alam).
“For the financial year ended March 2007, more than RM16mil was invested in our cadet sponsorship programme at Alam,” she said.
Today, she added that many of the sea captains in Malaysia's maritime-related industries were Alam graduates and MISC was proud to be the contributing factor behind their success.
“And many more graduates of calibre are already in the making.she said.
“Although they may not be on life-long employment with MISC, our CR towards fulfilling Malaysia's aspirations of becoming a maritime nation will always be at the forefront of our commitment,” she said, adding that this also ensured the availability of seafarers for MISC's growing fleet.
According to Pereira, its latest CR programme, “Navigate Your Career” is an effort to prepare university students to enter the real “working world”.
“MISC wishes to prepare them to be more adaptive to the changes and progression of the job market,” she said, adding that the programme was launched last July in various universities across the nation.
She said the three-part programme, “Educate, Engage & Expose - Navigate Your Career”, was geared towards enhancing employment awareness via guidance initiatives imparting soft skills and insights into career development.
This CR programme is inclusive of road shows, an online resource centre and practical attachment.
About 3,000 undergraduates participated in this programme whilst eight students have just completed the student attachment pilot project.
“We believe our latest effort in social development will help create a more buoyant local graduate pool in the near future,” Pereira said.
Also last February, MISC and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UiTM) signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) for the establishment of Professorship Chair in marine technology at UiTM.
The chair is tasked with bridging the gap between what the academic institution is offering and the maritime industry’s needs for qualified personnel and technological advancement to meet the present and future challenges.
The establishment of the chair would further enhance research in maritime technology, which would benefit the maritime sector in Malaysia.
MISC and UiTM have also jointly established a Marine Technology Research and Development Database at UiTM.
The database focuses on marine technology research and development data throughout Malaysia.
In terms of health and safety in the workplace, MISC does not confine itself to a specific programme or scheme.
Its corporate health, safety and environment general manager Captain M.K. Ganesan said several programmes usually ran all year round.
“Promoting healthy lifestyle, safety and protecting the environment are some of the programmes that have been rolled out,” Capt Ganesan said.
“Onboard our vessels, we have an ongoing campaign - Zero Incident Zero Accident (ZIZA) - for our officers and crew to be vigilant at all times,” he added.
In the last financial year, 13 ships recorded their third year ZIZA safety performance; seven ships, their second year; and 13 ships passed their first year.
Capt Ganesan said another significant project launched in 2006 was the MISC fuel efficiency campaign.
“The fuel saving measures not only reduce consumption but also environmental pollution.
“Burning one or two extra tonnes of fuel oil on a voyage can have much effect on the overall fuel cost and environmental pollution.
“The cost becomes substantial when this is extrapolated within MISC's entire fleet,” he said.
To MISC, CR is not only about making a positive impact on society and the environment but also generating sustainable benefits to society as part of maintai ning a long-term competitive business.