A very pleasant word from us, the students of Marine Technology for all of you (our dearest juniors to be).. We are waiting to meet all of you by this July-November 2009 semester..Once gain..Welcome Aboard!
Whomever got this programme whether this is your 1st choice or vice versa..Please Be Reminded! This is the programme that has been developed recently by UiTM which takes Perlis Campus as its base...That means, this course is not available at Main Campus, Shah Alam..and more..it is the only marine course ever in UiTM..Special right?
Based on what we have endured and experienced in this programme..What we can tell you is that..You would not even dare to miss them..Great and friendly lecturers (of course with our Head Of Programme whom is very friendly and very supportive...) in a very condusive campus's environment...It is great dudes..You should never have your negative thoughts surpass your mind..To be part of this programme is something special..yeah..special? You will know it when you enroll this highly-maintained programme..that is for sure..no jokes for that!
Well, this programme will have its first graduates by this semester..there are about 6 students who will get their BSc. (Hons) Marine Technology..and guess what..a couple of these final year students have managed to get A First Class Honour Degree! Yeah..do not believe what will you get from this programme? Now it has paved its way..hungry to maneuver you along the way to success..and you just need to take the voyage!
Currently, we have 5 parts (semester 2,3,4,5 and 6)..Next coming semester, we will have 6 parts (Semester 1,2,3,4,5 and 6)...Next semester we will have juniors from part 1 and 2..and those who will enroll this programme..we would like to say..Congratulations!
Next semester..Part 5 and Part 6 students will register late due to practical training..We cannot wait to see all of you in our 4th Annual Grand Meeting which will be approximately held on the 2nd week of July 2009..We will have new front liners of MTA (Marine Technology Association) on that day..
Last but not least..be sure of what you will join..and keep smiling as that is the permanent shine in you..and we as your seniors cannot wait to meet you up..Yeah! Ready To Conquer The Ocean?
AS234 has prepared a great ship for you! Be sure to be aboard! Now Even UiTM Can Conquer The Ocean! UiTM DiHatiku..Forever and Ever!
Together Everyone Achieves More
With One Soul Towards One Goal
See you there!